The 5% Life

How do I follow Christ?” is a common question. Our answer is the 5% Life! The 5% Life is a simple, effective strategy for following Christ. It provides a solid foundation for strengthening your relationship with God, with other Christians, and those far from Him.

At Mosaic Church we exist to invite everyday people to surrender everything to Live, Love, and Labor for the Glory of Christ.

As we study Jesus in the New Testament, we find that his life was all about relationships. First His relationship with the Father, second his relationship with His disciples, and third his relationship with people who were far from God.

So what does the life of Jesus look like? Answer: Relationships!

At Mosaic, we use three key words to describe these relationships. The first word is LIVE. A Jesus follower (also known as a disciple) lives with Christ personally and daily.

The second word is LOVE. A disciple of Christ displays the love of Christ in all their interactions.

The third word is LABOR. A disciple of Christ labors in the mission locally, nationally, and globally. The life of disciple is all about relationships.

So how do you deepen these three relationships and grow as a disciple, internalizing the gospel to serve your neighbors? It’s TIME!

How do you invest your time as a disciple of Jesus to deepen your relationship with God, your relationship with other believers, and your relationship with those far from Jesus?

God Time

Gather Time

Living Out the 5% Life

We believe there are four strategic ways that we can choose to invest our time that grows all three of these relationships:

  • God Time: Time spent daily alone in fellowship with God.
  • Gather Time: Time spent weekly in gathering for worship with my local church.
  • Group Time: Time spent consistently in community with a small group from my church.
  • Go Time: Time spent annually on mission, serving our neighbors locally, nationally, and globally.

As you invest your time in these ways, we believe you will deepen your walk with God, grow in community with your brothers and sisters in Christ, and engage in God’s mission in greater ways.

We are convinced that if you embrace The 5% Life as a starting point, the other 95% of your life will be changed forever as you Live, Love, and Labor to the Glory of Christ!

Group Time

Go Time

1% | 15 minutes per day

At Mosaic, we encourage everyone who follows Jesus to spend intentional time with God daily by studying His Word and praying. Devoting our time in God’s Word is one of the best ways we can gain wisdom for our daily decisions, learn more about God, and stay connected to Him throughout every season of life.

When it comes to reading the Bible, it can be difficult to know where to begin. You can learn more about how you can read and study your Bible here.

If you need direction and discipline for your Bible reading, we recommend finding a Bible reading plan in the YouVersion Bible app, available for free on your smartphone or tablet. You can start with the plans that we recommend below. If you have any other questions, contact us.

Prayer Guides


1% | 1.5 hours per week

We don’t follow Jesus alone. From the earliest days, Jesus’s followers gathered regularly and “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42).

Join us in-person or online at 10:30am every Sunday for our Worship Service. Our online services are available on Facebook or Youtube.

Listen to Sermons

Watch Livestream

Visit Sundays

The best way to get to know what Mosaic is all about is to come worship with us on a Sunday morning! We meet every week at 10:30AM on the Winchester Walking Mall.

Sunday – 10:30am
Old Town Walking Mall
134 N. Loudoun St.
Winchester, VA 22601

1% | 7 hours per month

Information happens in big groups, but transformation happens in small groups. Sunday Worship is vital, and sermons teach key Biblical principles, but small group discussions allow for personal application and intimate prayer support.

Small Groups

Teen Group

What’s Happening?

2% | 7 days per year

We don’t HAVE to Serve; WE GET TO SERVE. Jesus himself “did not come to be served, but to serve,” and we connect deeply with his heart and joy when we love others practically.


Apple Blossom
May 3-4, 2025

TBA 2025

TBA 2025

Veterans Art Show
November 2025




Manchester, UK
June 23-July 2, 2025

TBA 2025